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Due to the temporary closure of the Medical School of Magwe, this program is suspended until further notice. We look forward to resuming as soon as the situation permits.

Beginning in 2020, Project HANDS launched a scholarship program for students from remote areas of Myanmar to attend the Medical School of Magwe.


Applicants must demonstrate:


  • Outstanding moral character

  • Desire to use their education for the benefit of under-served communities

  • Superior academic achievement

  • Financial need


Priority is given to candidates who:


  • Express an interest in working in a rural, under-served community.

  • Share Project HANDS’s philosophy of giving back or paying forward.

  • Have a particular interest in women’s health.


The scholarships are granted with the expectation of giving back and paying forward. In that spirit, students agree to undertake any or all of the following activities, during and/or upon completion of their studies.


  • Mentor or tutor deserving students.

  • Seek employment in a rural or under-served community.

  • Volunteer in a rural or under-served community.

  • Provide a scholarship for a deserving student who faces economic hardship.

Project HANDS has awarded six nursing scholarships in Guatemala, based on academic merit & financial need.

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We are extremely proud of all recipients, including Diego Aurelio Cordova Toma, who exhibits exemplary dedication to the nursing profession. Aurelio is a registered nurse who holds the position of Coordinator of Nutrition and Reproductive Health for eight regions in Guatemala. Inspired by the principles of Project HANDS, he is a stalwart advocate for equitable and sustainable access to healthcare for women and children.

Aurelio pays forward his education by volunteering as Lead Instructor of the Women's Health Initiative in Bolivia.

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