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If you witness a fall, shouldn't you offer your hand?

The scales of the world are unbalanced. Some of us have much more than we need, whilst others struggle to survive on an unthinkable amount of nothing. Project HANDS seeks to help rebalance the scales. We are a registered Canadian volunteer organization that provides healthcare, education and support to those who, by chance of birth, have less fortunate lives than our own. We have no religious or political affiliation.

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Our core mandate is empowerment 

Helping others help themselves. We do not relieve developing societies of their duty to provide healthcare. Rather, we assist them through training and upskilling. Paramount in our approach is maximum sustainable impact with minimal intrusion. Only when we help to make sustainable change, the scales begin to rebalance. The steps are small at first, but they add up. And when we see sustainable change, we know it is time to move on and offer our hand to someone else.

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Contact Us

Project HANDS Society

P.O. Box 361

Lions Bay, BC

Canada, V0N 2E0



Thank you, we'll be in touch!

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